Sunday, July 31, 2011

A new week begins in Las Vegas

Jamál (Beauty), 19 Kalimát (Words), 167 BE – Sunday, July 31, 2011 about 2:38 PM Pacific Time

I new week begins, a new chance to achieve my writing goals and my housekeeping goals. I have a full week planned, four of those days I have to leave the house. On Tuesday and Thursday, I have laundry to do. I realized today, when I started gathered our cloths in the laundry baskets, I would have to spend two days at the laundromat.

I hope two days is all I have to spend washing cloths because I have other things to do beside laundry. If I do laundry in the morning, then I have a little time before Mom comes home. I do not accomplish much after Mom gets home, at least not while she is awake. After Mom goes to bed, I have a change to get work done.

On Monday, I have an errand to run and then on Wednesday or Friday do some shopping. There is no getting out of the errand or I would stay home all day Monday. Monday is August 1; I like to stay home on the first of the month because I have work online to do. I will get the important stuff accomplished; the rest will have to wait.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

New Experiences are good for me

‘Idál (Justice), 15 Kalimát (Words), 167 BE – Wednesday, July 27, 2011 about 5:35 PM Pacific Time

They say that new experiences keep a person young. I know they keep my muse on its toes. Today, I went to a podiatrist for the first time in my life. I went because my regular doctor wrote a referral. It turns out I have Plantar Fasciitis and need to do rehabilitation exercises every morning.

The doctor gave me a handout giving information about the problem. The handout contained several exercises. The first exercise I will do, beginning on Thursday morning, is the standing calf stretch. I also need to get some new shoes, so I will plan a shopping trip to a shoe store or department store.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tuesday is Laundry day for me in Las Vegas

Fidál (Grace), 14 Kalimát (Words), 167 BE – Tuesday, July 26, 2011 about 6:12 PM Pacific Time

My grandmother always had one day of the week to do laundry, she was flexible enough about “laundry day” so that she could change the day when necessary. Grandma did laundry on Saturday, if it did not rain or it was summer. In summer, we went to Lake Blackwell on the weekend, so Grandma did laundry on Friday.

Grandma did not wash cloths on rainy days. She hung her cloths on a cloths line in the backyard, so if it rained the cloths would not dry. If it was a rainy Saturday, my Grandma Newland would wait until Monday to wash cloths.

Since I go to a laundromat, I do not have to worry about drying cloths. I have decided to do laundry on Tuesday. Today, I wash three baskets, which is my limit when it concerns carrying cloths into the laundromat or back to the car after the cloths are dry. This does have its disadvantages because if I have more then three baskets, I have to wait until I recovered from lugging full laundry baskets back and forth from the car. However, eventually I will catch up on the laundry.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Monday Morning Tears

Kamál (Perfection), 13 Kalimát (Words), 167 BE – Monday, July 25, 2011 about 8:54 AM Pacific Time

Mom cried all morning and when I ask her what was wrong she said “Nothing.” I never know why Mom is crying and I suspect she does not know either. It has to do with the Alzheimer’s disease. I think Mom cries because of her perception of life and other people. The only thing I can do is make sure she takes her medication and try to keep her mind occupied so that she does not cry.

Mom enjoys some things. Sometimes Mom laughs at things she hears or sees on television. Mom likes to listen to the Long Healing Prayer, so I sit down beside her and read it. She will sit quietly with her eyes closed while I read the prayer. Mom loves to listen to all the prayers revealed by the Bab and Baha’u’llah. Everyday I sit beside her on the couch and read one or two prayers for her.

Mom does not cry when I read the prayers to her. She has difficulty seeing, so she cannot read them herself. Mom cannot do much of anything anymore. Alzheimer’s and other age related issues prevent her doing the things she used to do.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Making a grocery list

Jamál (Beauty), 12 Kalimát (Words), 167 BE – Sunday, July 24, 2011 about 11:48 AM Pacific Time

I began making a grocery list today. I have to buy a couple of items this week. The first thing on the list is hearing aid batteries. Mom has two hearing aids, so I have to buy enough batteries to last the next four weeks. Since I normally change the batteries once a week, I have to buy a pack of eight batteries.

I am not going to rely on my memory for the right battery size. The first thing on the grocery list is “Hearing Aid batteries size 312 BC312A 1.4V (AGX) (brown tab)”, so that I know precisely what batteries I need to get. I am checking online for some coupons, but I have not yet found any. I did fined, but, since I do not have enough in my PayPal account to pay for them, I will buy the batteries in a grocery or drug store this time.

I have to do some comparison-shopping to see where I can save money on the batteries. I have to save as much money as possible because I need to have the drainpipe behind the washer raised to 42”. That is the next goal because I am tired of going to the laundromat when I have a working washer. The only problem is that the drainpipe overflows in the spin cycle.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

At home in Las Vegas

Jalál (Glory), 11 Kalimát (Words), 167 BE – Saturday, July 23, 2011 about 5:49 PM Pacific Time

This morning, I made orange steak with mashed potatoes and gravy. I used orange juice to marinade the stake and then fried it in the electric skillet. The potatoes were instant and the gravy was homemade. The steak tasted and looked good. The gravy tasted good, but it did not look as I thought it should. I am out of practice making gravy from scratch.

My gravy looked too thin and it contained lumps. I do not like gravy with lumps, but since I made it, I ate it. Mom did not complain, but then she never complains about the food. Sometimes she does not want to take her medication; however, she always wants to eat. I asked her about the food, she said it tasted good and did not say anything about the lumps in the gravy.

Right now, Mom is dozing on the couch. I have to get her up and to her bedroom. The couch is not comfortable, when I fall asleep laying on it my back hurts when I wake up. I am not looking forward to getting Mom up because she gets upset and even angry once she decides that the couch is her bed. Taking care of someone suffering from Alzheimer’s disease is an education.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Convincing my mother to eat

‘Idál (Justice), 8 Kalimát (Words), 167 BE – Wednesday, July 20, 2011 about 5:30 PM Pacific Time

I finally figured out how to get my mother to eat. The discovery was an accident. I had some fresh frozen peas, green beans, carrots, and corn, in the freezer. I made soup with the vegetables and a shrimp bullion cub, Mom loved it. She ate everything in the soup bowl and asked for seconds. We finished that soup on Monday.

On Tuesday, I mixed some canned green beans, carrots, and peas with a can of chicken. Tomorrow, I have to fix something else, but I have not decided what. I still have some frozen corn and green beans in the freezer, perhaps I can mix a can of peas and carrots with those. I still have a couple of cans of chicken I could mix with that.

On July 30, I will pick up a fruit and vegetable box I ordered earlier this month. It contains ears of corn, squash, cabbage and carrots; I can fix a salad and fried squash or fix a zucchini salad; Mom would like that. In the mean time, Mom will have to be satisfied with canned fruit and vegetables. In addition, to a box of instant potatoes, have some pork chops and a couple of small steaks in the freezer; perhaps we will have those with some potatoes and gravy on Saturday. Mom likes mashed potatoes and gravy.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Monday afternoon in Las Vegas

Kamál (Perfection), 6 Kalimát (Words), 167 BE – Monday, July 18, 2011 about 12:55 PM Pacific Time

I look out my living room window and watch beautiful white clouds floating across the blue sky. Today is mostly cloudy, with an expected temperature of 105. This is normal for July, so I cannot complain. The last couple of weeks were extremely cool for this time of year.

The air conditioning is working, which is nice. I am not sure I could take the present temperatures if the air conditioning did not work. I do not know what the power bill will be this month. Last month it was over $200.00 and under $250.00, I expect this month’s bill to be more. Fortunately, I do not have to worry about the power bill until after July 28. After that date, I can go online and see how much the cool air is going to cost me. Until then, I will simply enjoy the temperature inside the house.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Living on a shoestring and a prayer

Jalál (Glory), 4 Kalimát (Words), 167 BE – Saturday, July 16, 2011 about 8:47 AM Pacific Time

My mother and I are on a fixed income. We have been living on a shoestring and a prayer. Now, from what I gather listening to the financial news, our shoestring will be getting shorter. I am to the point of paying off some of the past debts, while keeping most of the monthly bills paid.

I have figured out which bills I can put off for a month or two and which I have to pay on time. We are find this month, I have most of the monthly bills paid and we have enough medication to last until about the middle of August. August bills are the issue.

On August 1, I have to go online to set up the mortgage payment to come out of the bank account on August 4 or 5, when one of Mom’s automatic deposits hit her bank account. That is the question, will that direct deposit arrive or not? If the deposit does not hit her account on time, then I have to find $850.00 to cover the withdrawal on August 5.

Right now, my only solution is prayer. I cannot find a way to get the money, if I worry about the problem. The only way to find a solution is worrying because I cannot see the solution if I worry. The only way I can stop worrying is prayer; therefore, I will increase my prayers and place the situation in God’s hands.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Encouraging my Mother to eat

Istijlál (Majesty), 2 Kalimát (Words), 167 BE – Thursday, July 14, 2011 about 5:55 PM Pacific Time

I finally figured out the secret of getting my mother to eat. It is a simple process of fixing a meal with different tastes. I noticed a few days ago when I fixed some leftovers. I mixed different vegetables with two different types of meat. When I give it to Mom, she ate everything on her plate or rather in her bowl.

Mom likes to eat her food out of a cereal or soup bowl. It does not matter what she is eating, she wants it in a bowl rather then a plate. As long as she eats, I do not care what type of plate or bowl wants her food in. I am happy to find out she eats better if the food has different tastes and textures.

Today, I fixed vegetable soup. I mixed four different types of frozen vegetables together and let them cook in the slow cooker. To the vegetables, I added a shrimp bouillon cube. Mom enjoyed the veggie and she ate everything in her bowl. Tomorrow I will warm some of the soup up in the microwave and maybe add some canned chicken or fish. I think I have a can of salmon in the pantry.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tuesday afternoon in Las Vegas

Fidál (Grace), 19 Rahmat (Mercy), 167 BE – Monday-Tuesday, July 12, 2011 about 7:15 PM Pacific Time

It is late Tuesday afternoon and the sun is sinking in the west. I stayed home the entire day. This morning I spent 33.5 minutes dealing is one company. They kept switching me back and forth between departments and placing me on hold. I finally got things taken care of, not to my satisfaction, but I dealt with it.

Mom was in a good mood when she came home from the adult daycare center. She took her medication, ate something and went to bed. When I went in to remove her hearing aids from her ears, she was still in a good mood. In fact, she let me remove her glasses without a protest. Yes, my mother goes to bed wearing her glasses. After she is asleep, I go into her bedroom, take them off her and put them on the bedside stand. Normally, if I try to take them off when she goes to bed, she gets upset; therefore, I wait until she goes to sleep.

I do not go out in the evening any more. I would like to, but I cannot leave Mom alone. She gets tired at the daycare center and wants to go to bed earlier now. I stay home. I have not been to a nineteen-day Feast in several months. I would like to go to Feast. I miss going to Feast. I would also like to go to a poetry reading. Oh well, that is life.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

A beautiful rainy day in Las Vegas

Jamál (Beauty), 17 Rahmat (Mercy), 167 BE – Sunday, July 10, 2011 about 4:15 PM Pacific Time

It rained again today in Las Vegas. This morning it was partly cloudy, but as the day advanced, the clouds gathered overhead. A thunderstorm warning flashed across the television screen. After that, I heard raindrops hitting the cement of my driveway. I looked out the window and saw rain coming down.

It rained little bit yesterday. Today, the rain shower was a little longer. It was not long enough to leave a puddle in the driveway. The clouds are still covering the sky and occasionally I hear thunder, so it may rain again today. I enjoy sitting on the couch in the living room watching the rain

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Improvising a Gourmet Lunch

Jalál (Glory), 16 Rahmat (Mercy), 167 BE – Saturday, July 9, 2011 about 3:10 PM Pacific Time

Mom and I had a gourmet lunch today. I did not fix it from scratch, but used a frozen stir-fry meal. I know that is not what most people consider gourmet, but it is as close as I can get today. I enjoy cooking gourmet meals, but I do not get the pleasure very often. If I want a meal of this type, I have either to go to a restaurant or improvise. Today I improvised.

It is difficult to take Mom to a restaurant and I cannot leave her alone, so I cannot get a gourmet meal to go. I also did not go to the Commemoration of the Martyrdom of the Bab, for the same reason I could not got to a restaurant. It is difficult to take Mom out; she does not like to leave the house. Because Mom has Alzheimer’s disease, she has behavioral issues.

The doctor prescribed a new medication for behavioral problems, so Mom and I may be able to go out more often. I will have to wait and see how the medication affects Mom. There is a nineteen-day feast in a few day, so I will she how Mom is reacting to the medication; perhaps we can go to the Feast.

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

The end of an era

‘Idál (Justice), 13 Rahmat (Mercy), 167 BE – Wednesday, July 6, 2011 about 4:30 PM Pacific Time

It is the end of an era. The final shuttle mission is Friday and I am at a loose for words. I am sad. I want to cry. I remember the watching television and the rockets blasting off. I never did get to see a take off in person maybe that is why I want to cry. Perhaps I want to cry because this is the last mission and I will miss watching the event on the news.

I will come to terms with the way I feel. I will write a story or poem about it. I will never forget how it felt to watch the event of television. I will always regret that I never got to see a lift off in person.

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Today does not seem like Tuesday

Fidál (Grace), 12 Rahmat (Mercy), 167 BE – Tuesday, July 5, 2011 about 5:50 PM Pacific Time

I keep thinking today is Monday; it just does not feel like Tuesday. I think that is because yesterday was a holiday. On the Fourth of July, the adult daycare center did not open, so Mom stayed home. Mom attends the center Monday through Friday unless one of those days is a holiday.

I enjoyed having Mom home for three days straight; however, it threw my sense of time off. Today feels like Monday because Mom went back to the center today. She left the house about 8:30 AM and returned home around 4:30 PM. Mom was in decent mood today, she did cry this morning while she waited in her wheelchair for the Center’s buss to pick her up, but I think that was because she is not used to taking the wheelchair.

When she came home this afternoon, she was happy and not crying. I think she will eventually get used to taking the wheelchair to the daycare. In fact, for the past few days Mom has been in a good mood. Yesterday and today, she got up willing and did not fuss when I asked her to change her cloths. In addition, she went to the daycare without putting up a fuse.

I am happy about Mom’s good mood and I hope it last a while. Perhaps the medication is doing some good after all. I will just go with the flow and accept Mom’s mood as a blessing.

Monday, July 04, 2011

Fourth of July memories

Kamál (Perfection), 11 Rahmat (Mercy), 167 BE – Monday, July 4, 2011 about 3:45 PM Pacific Time

The fourth of July always brings back pleasant memories. As a child, I liked Independence Day because we spent it at Lake Blackwell with my grandparents. We set off firecrackers, grilled hot dog and hamburgers, and drank soda pop. Grandma always made her potato salad to go with our lunch and we always ate a cold watermelon.

During the day, Grandpa took us out on the lake in his motor boat. Grandpa also, water-skied. I remember sitting in the boat while one of my older cousins drove the boat and Grandpa skied. I enjoyed the Fourth of July because it was a day Mom and Grandpa did not have to work, so we could spend the entire day at the Lake.

At night, we would set off fireworks. Grandpa and the other adults lit Roman candles (illegal today) and we set off bottle rockets. I enjoyed watching the fireworks and I enjoyed spending the night at the Lake sleeping in Grandpa’s trail house (mobile home). Those were nice days and we were lucky no one in the family was hurt by the fireworks.

Sunday, July 03, 2011

Tomorrow is America’s Birthday

Jamál (Beauty), 10 Rahmat (Mercy), 167 BE – Sunday, July 3, 2011 about 3:55 PM Pacific Time

For the past couple of nights, someone has set off firecrackers. This happens in this neighborhood every year around this time. Someone begins celebrating America’s Birthday two or three days early. I do not mind hearing the firecrackers because their sound brings back memories of my childhood.

I remember celebrating the Fourth of July in Blackwell, Oklahoma. Someone always wanted to begin the celebration a few days early. It was not a big deal at the time firecrackers were noisy and scary. On the night of the Fourth, we celebrated to occasion at Lake Blackwell where we barbequed during the day and set off fireworks at night. Grandpa always watched us and made sure we were safe.

A few times, we went to Lake Carl Blackwell for the Fourth, but most of the time we went to Lake Blackwell. I always enjoyed spending Independence Day with Grandpa and Grandma at Lake Blackwell.

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Rotator Cuff Issues

Jalál (Glory), 9 Rahmat (Mercy), 167 BE – Saturday, July 2, 2011 about 3:55 PM Pacific Time

My left shoulder has been extremely painful for the past couple of weeks. It was so bad that I could not get my left hand behind my back, so when I went to the doctor yesterday I discussed it with her. It turns out I injured my rotator cuff; I suspect it was giving Mom a bath. Anyway, the doctor prescribed a medication for the pain and gave me some exercises to do.

I picked up the medication today and took one of the tablets when I got home. It is amazing how much better I feel without pain. I had been taking an over the counter pain pill, but that did not help. I did not tear the rotator cuff, but I did strain it.

The strain rehabilitation exercises are easy. I have to do them when Mom is asleep, so I do them in either the morning before she is awake or in the evening after she goes to bed. Mom gets upset if she thinks there is something wrong with me, so I have to be careful when I am in pain or not feeling well. Because of the Alzheimer’s is afraid my condition is worse then it is.

Friday, July 01, 2011

The first Friday in July

Jalál (Glory), 9 Rahmat (Mercy), 167 BE – Friday, July 1, 2011 about 10:15 PM Pacific Time

It is the first Friday in July and there is a celebration of the arts going on in Las Vegas. I cannot go because I do not have anyone to sit with Mom. The only time I get out any more is during the day, when Mom is in the daycare center. Mom goes to the center Monday through Friday, so I can go out on those days.

Normally, I stay home on weekends, but tomorrow I will go pick up prescriptions while someone stays with Mom. I cannot stay out very long, so I will pick up the prescriptions and come home. Then I will stay home the rest of the weekend and on the Fourth of July. Mom does not go to the daycare center on the Fourth, so I will stay home as well.