Monday, August 31, 2009

Good-by August 2009

Interesting August
hot beautiful desert days
praying for rain.

All right, I couldn't resist writing one more haiku in August. September begins at midnight and September always brings back intriguing memories from my childhood. Labor Day is always a day to remember my grandparents and Blackwell, Oklahoma.

On the last Day of August 2009

Kamál (Perfection), 12 Asmá’ (Names), 166 BE – Monday, August 31, 2009 about 6:41 AM Pacific Time

On the last day of August 2009, I'm remembering Grandma Newland and applesauce. I opened a can of applesauce for breakfast this morning. The applesauce brought my Grandmother to mind because she made her own applesauce.

When Grandma made applesauce, she would peel the apples, core them and then cut them into slices. After preparing the apples in this way, she would put them in a large boiler, add sugar, and cover them with water. I'm sure Grandma added sugar, I also think she add ground cinnamon. I don't remember how much sugar or cinnamon Grandma added.

After the applesauce finished cooking, Grandma would let each of her grandchildren have a small bowl of hot applesauce. I will eat homemade applesauce hot; however, when I open a can of store bought applesauce I want it cold.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

A windy Sunday afternoon in Las Vegas

Jamál (Beauty), 11 Asmá’ (Names), 166 BE – Sunday, August 30, 2009 about 1:44 PM Pacific Time

It's a windy Sunday afternoon in Las Vegas. The wind is blowing the limbs on the two pine trees that remain in the yard. The moving limbs cast shadows on my living room wall. I catch the movement out of the corner of my eye and see the shadows of the pine trees dancing on the pale blue wall.

The oleanders in the back yard are waving in the wind. I don't have to go outside for anything so I can enjoy watching the movement of the trees and oleanders without worry about my allergy to the oleander pollen. I wash two loads of cloths today and brought the cloths in just as the wind started.

The wind in the trees
carry a message of peace
beautiful August.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Four months left in 2009

Jalál (Glory), 10 Asmá’ (Names), 166 BE – Saturday, August 29, 2009 about 4:04 PM Pacific Time

There's about four months left in 2009, it seems the older I get the faster the year passes. When I was young a year seemed to go on forever. Now a year passes in the blink of an eye. It seems that the year just began and now it's more then half over.

The year is a hare
racing toward the future
yesterday a dream.

Friday, August 28, 2009

A peanut butter and jelly sandwich for breakfast

Istiqlál (Independence), 9 Asmá’ (Names), 166 BE – Friday, August 28, 2009 about 8:00 AM Pacific Time

It's time for breakfast, I took my thyroid table over an hour ago now it's time to eat. This morning, I'm fixing one or two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to eat. I still don't have denture adhesive in the house I can use. However, I'm not going to let that stop me from enjoying a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

It's been a difficult morning, so I need a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Babying myself because my lower denture plate moves around in my mouth when I eat isn't going to make the morning or the day less difficult. This morning, I'll make myself two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, one sandwich with grape jelly and one with strawberry preserves.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

A beautiful Thursday in Las Vegas

Istijlál (Majesty), 8 Asmá’ (Names), 166 BE – Thursday, August 27, 2009 6:39 PM Pacific Time

At the end of a beautiful Thursday in Las Vegas, I am thankful for the nice weather lately. It rained over the last weekend. Today felt cooler and it was nice to get out of the house this afternoon.

At the end of a beautiful Thursday in Las Vegas, I am thankful that I live in Las Vegas. It's an international city, when I go out I meet people from all over the world. It's nice to live in a city with so many interesting citizens.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Just when I’ve decided to give up I get an e-mail

From time to time, the stress gets to me and I decide I'm going to give up writing and blogging. Today was one of those days. It doesn't matter what made me want to decide to give up. What does matter is that I received an e-mail, which changed my mind.

The e-mail was from the Blog Action Day team. The e-mail contained a link to a survey that ask for my input about the theme. I clicked on the link and responded to the survey. I can't give up blogging until after Blog Acton Day on October 15.

Blog Action Day began two years ago. I've participated in it every year so I have to participate in it again this year. Since I can't give up blogging until after October 15, I can give up writing either. Writing is blogging.

Midweek reflections on my Dentures

‘Idál (Justice), 7 Asmá’ (Names), 166 BE – Wednesday, August 26, 2009 about 8:31 AM Pacific Time

It's Wednesday and time for midweek reflections. Time to review the past three days to see what changes are required. It's been a stressful three days, I expect the next three days to be just as stressful. My stomach and/or ulcer hasn't acted up for three days, I'm beginning to suspect the problem isn't my ulcer.

The past three days I haven't used the denture adhesive to prevent my teeth from moving around in my mouth. The bottom plate gives me a problem when I eat because it moves and slips. I have eaten almost anything I want, but I've had to take my bottom plate out.

I can't continue taking the bottom plate out when I eat. At home that's fine, but when I go out to eat it's a problem. I can't use the denture adhesive I have because it causes me to feel ill. My stomach hurts after I've had the adhesive in for a while. I'm going to have to figure out someway to keep my bottom plate from slipping when I chew without using the adhesive.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I need to get the sowing machine fixed

I need to get the sowing machine fixed. I moved it out of the spare room and put it in Mom's bedroom. It turns out some of the parts are missing. The missing parts have to do with holding the thread. I'm not sure what happened to those parts because no one in the house has used the machine since 2007.

I think Mom used it two or three months before she went into the hospital in March of 2007. The sowing machine has set in the spare room ever since, waiting for someone to use it. The first thing to do is look in the spare room and see if the parts are in there. Even if I find the parts, I'm going to have to have the machine serviced.

Wednesday is trash pick up day in my neighborhood

Fidál (Grace), 6 Asmá’ (Names), 166 BE – Tuesday, August 25, 2009 about 10:01 AM Pacific Time

Wednesday, August 26, the Republic Service trucks come through my neighborhood. They start there run through my section of town about 7:00 AM. Sometimes they empty the trashcans along our curb between 7:00 and 8:00 AM, other times the can set there until afternoon waiting for them to empty it. Once or twice in the past ten years, they missed our block.

Anyway, today I'm going to have to go through the house and find all the indoor trash baskets and empty them. I suspect I'll miss on trash basket today because I always miss one. Republic Services does a better job of emptying the trashcans along the curb then I do emptying the indoor trashcans.

I think my problem with the trash basket has to do with one getting moved. There are two people living in my house. One of us moves the trash basket periodically, I think that's why I miss one every week. Fortunately, the trash basket I miss is one that doesn't have garbage with an odor. My goal is to get every trash basket in the house emptied either on Tuesday or Friday, so I can take the stuff to the curb the next morning.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Hanging out Cloths

Kamál (Perfection), 5 Asmá’ (Names), 166 BE – Monday, August 24, 2009 about 6:57 PM Pacific Time

We did laundry today and Mom helped me hang the cloths out. Mom enjoys hanging cloths on the line. Mom said she likes the smell of cloths when they dry outside. I don't know about Mom, but hanging cloths out brings back memories of my childhood.

I've waited two days to do one load of laundry because Saturday it rained and Sunday it looked like rain. That's one of the disadvantages of hanging cloths outside to dry. The only time you can do laundry is when it's not raining and the sky is partly cloudy.

The advantage of living in Las Vegas is most of the time it doesn't rain. Laundry hanging on the line is an interesting sight. I like to look at the kitchen window at the laundry drying. I must get that from my grandmother because she liked to see cloths hanging on the line.

Cloths on the line hang
limp when there is no wind to
blow the line around.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

The first Sunday after Labor Day

In 2009, Grandparents' Day falls on September 13. Marian McQuade (1917-2008) championed the idea. In 1978, President Jimmy Carter declared the first Sunday after Labor Day as National Grandparents' Day.

I always remember my grandparents because the helped Mom raise us. I have two brothers and one sister. My mother has (I think) ten grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Mom and I are going to celebrate, but I don't know what we're going to do. I'll have to check the local events to see what's going on locally.

It Rained in Las Vegas today

Jalál (Glory), 3 Asmá’ (Names), 166 BE – Saturday, August 22, 2009 5:05 PM Pacific Time

It rained in my Las Vegas neighborhood today, I'm not sure about the rest to the city. I'm not even sure if the rain we received was official. Las Vegas is a huge, spread out city and it can rain in one section of town and not other. If it rains a McCarran air port, where the official rain gage is then the rains is official.

Gray cloud covered sky
promised rain in the morning
an afternoon shower.

I didn't know it rained until I went outside this afternoon to bring the trashcan back from the curb. When I took the can to the curb this morning, the sky was covered with rain clouds. Since sun didn't peek through the clouds, I didn't do laundry today. When I brought the can back to the garage, there were puddles in my driveway and I felt raindrops on my arms.

Raindrops on my arms
Oklahoma memories
gentle summer rain.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Afternoon nap

Istiqlál (Independence), 2 Asmá’ (Names), 166 BE – Friday, August 21, 2009 about 4:30 PM Pacific Time

I took a nap. It wasn't a long nap just about an hour, but I feel refreshed. Before the nap, I was sitting at the computer and I could hardly keep my eyes open. So I turned the computer off, took my teeth out and went to bed. Before I went to sleep, I said prayers.

I'm not sure whether I dreamed or not. I suspect I probably, but I don't remember the dreams. Sometimes, I remember the dreams that accompany my afternoon naps and sometimes I don't. I suppose if I took a nap more often I'd remember my dreams.

I have to go put my teeth in again. When I woke up I came directly to the computer without stopping to put my teeth in my mouth. I always took my teeth out when I lay down for a nap or when I go to sleep at night.

Sometimes I set on the couch or love seat and doze. I don't take my teeth out then because I don't sleep for more then five minutes. However, laying down for an afternoon nap is different because I usually sleep for more then thirty minutes. My afternoon naps usually last about an hour, perhaps a little more. I think today's nap lasted about an hour and a half.

Sleep refreshes the
mind and body like prayer
refreshes the soul.

An afternoon nap
allows my mind to relax
the day goes better.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

My Grandmother Canned Fruit and Vegetables

For breakfast today, I had a strawberry preserves sandwich. As I was eating the sandwich, I remembered my grandmother canning vegetables and fruit. Grandma would make jelly out of the fruit and then put the jelly into clear jars. The vegetables she would peel, cook and then put into clear jars.

After canning the food, she would store the jars in a root cellar. I always liked to go down to the cellar and look at the jars of food. The food always looked colorful and beautiful. I couldn't wait for Grandma or Mom to open the jars so I could enjoy their contents. When winter came and we needed fruit or vegetables for a meal, then either Grandma or Mom would go down to the cellar and get a jar of vegetables or fruit.

Windows into love
jars of food in the cellar
winter's survival.

The Feast of Names

Istijlál (Majesty), 1 Asmá’ (Names), 166 BE – Thursday, August 20, 2009 about 9:43 AM Pacific Time

It's a beautiful warm day in Las Vegas. My mother and I attended the Feast of Asmá’, the Feast of Names, last night at the Baha'i Center. The nineteen-day Feast was spiritual and refreshing. I feel renewed and optimistic this morning.

I woke up about 6:36 AM a bit later then usually. I normally wake up between 4:00 and 5:00 AM. Since I attended, Feast last night the day started out good. Already in Asmá’ I have written two poems, one for a contest on and the other about the Feast of Names.

Joy reverberates
across my soul echoing
the Feast memory.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

: Midweek reflections on the last day of Kamal

‘Idál (Justice), 19 Kamál (Perfection), 166 BE – Wednesday, August 19, 2009 about 9:43 AM Pacific Time

Monday I went to United Blood Service and gave blood. Tuesday I did one load of cloths and cleaned out the refrigerator. I've written over 100 poem in Kamal and submitted 27 items.

Tonight I'm planning on going to the Feast of Asma (Names). Tomorrow is Thankful Thursday, I had planned to go pick up some food, but I think I'll hold off on that until Friday. I fixed beans yesterday and I have leftover beans in the fridge, so I want to eat them up before I get any more food. My fridge is too small to keep a lot of items in. If the leftovers get pushed to the back of a shelf they are forgotten until the fridge is cleaned out again about nineteen days from now.

I think I'm going to have to put the leftovers on the top shelf. Mom usually puts away the leftovers and she can't reach the top shelf, but using any other shelf hides the leftovers behind something.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Kamal is drawing to a close

Fidál (Grace), 18 Kamál (Perfection), 166 BE – Tuesday, August 18, 2009 about 12:48 PM Pacific Time

The Feast of Asma (Names) is Wednesday evening at 7:30 PM. The month of Kamal 166 BE is ending. I have written over 90 poems so far this month. My poetry journal contains 90 poems, but I know I've written more because I've post poems to my blogs that I haven't put in the poetry journal.

I have did a lot of writing this month because I know I've submitted about 27 items to contests on I completed the August fantasy newsletter on Sunday and submitted it. Now I have to decide on a subject for my edition of the September newsletter. However, I think I'll let the newsletter subject rest for a while and focus on other things.

Right now, I'm tired. I think it's because I gave blood yesterday and I just need to build myself up again. Today we're having beans, I hope that helps build up my iron count. Since I'm not scheduled to give blood again until December I'm not going to worry about the iron count and just eat what I want for a few days. Today I want beans, seasoned with pigs feet. Tomorrow I may want something else.

Monday, August 17, 2009

I went to United Blood Services today

My iron count was up high enough for me to donate blood today. I know it's the results of eating more meat in the past few days. Sunday morning we had hamburgers and eggs. Today we had hamburgers and eggs. I have avoided the cheese and milk for the past three or four days. Since I donated today, I won't be able to donate again until December.

For someone who is afraid of needles, I enjoy giving blood. I think it's the wonderful people working for United Blood Services. They are friendly and helpful, they explain the entire process of the blood donation. After donating, I remained in the office, ate chocolate chip cookies and drink grape juice. I came home with a purple bandage around my arm.

Midway through August

Kamál (Perfection), 17 Kamál (Perfection), 166 BE – Monday, August 17, 2009 about 7:26 AM Pacific Time

It's midway through August,
I want crisp bacon
and over easy eggs for breakfast,
I will settle for
hamburger patties and over easy eggs.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sunset approaches in Las Vegas

Jamál (Beauty), 16 Kamál (Perfection), 166 BE – Sunday, August 16, 2009 about 6:48 PM Pacific Time

Bright white hazy sky
the sun approaches mountain tops
Las Vegas wakes up.

My poetry count so far in August is 82 plus poems. Most of the poems are short. Many are haiku or tanka. This entire month I've written poems about almost everything in my life.

Friday, August 14, 2009

At the end of the workweek

Istiqlál (Independence), 14 Kamál (Perfection), 166 BE – Friday, August 14, 2009 about 7:37 AM Pacific Time

Friday and the traditional end of a workweek, I remember my Grandfather coming home on Friday afternoons. Grandpa worked in a zinc smelter and every evening when he came home, he would take a shower and drop his overalls in the cloths basket, after he showered, we then sit down at the dinner table and ate supper.

In summer, we usually went to the lake on the weekends. Sometimes we drove up on Friday night. If we were going to the lake that night, then Grandpa packed the car and we got started. The Lake wasn't very far away and Grandpa could sleep in the next day.

If we drove to the lake, then we didn't eat supper on Friday evening until we arrived at the "trailer house" as we referred to the Mobile home that Grandpa kept at the lake. On Saturday, after Grandpa got up we would go boat riding, swimming and skiing. Grandpa wouldn't let us swim unless he was there to act as life guard.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Haibun is a journaling method which combine prose and haiku.

ancient tradition
Japanese method combines
entry prose Haiku

I haven't attempted this method before. It requires being in the moment, requires paying attention to my life. I'm going to attempt this method in some of my up coming posts. I'm always on the look out for something new to inspire my muse.

I like writing haiku. I suspect I will enjoy making haibun entries as well.

About frustration

Istijlál (Majesty), 13 Kamál (Perfection), 166 BE – Thursday, August 13, 2009 about 7:19 PM Pacific Time

This morning was extremely frustrating. My Internet connection slow down to stagnant water. I was frustrated to tears attempting to make entries that took five to ten minutes to save a draft and longer to post. I finally turned the computer off, went into the prayer room and said prayers.

I did learn one thing. When I get to the point of tears, I need to back away, pick up my prayer book and read prayers until my mood changes. After this morning's frustrating situation, I know I am definitely getting DSL in September.

I'm just not patient enough to use a telephone line connection. I need DSL. It is an essential. Of course, learning something about oneself is a part of the process of transformation. Still being so frustrated that you want to cry isn't good.

I'm not changing providers, I'm just changing the type of connection. I'm changing from a regular phone line connection to DSL. My provider will send some techs over to install the modern. Therefore, I have to change computer desks. I have a regular computer desk I want to use, I just haven't gotten around to making the switch. I will make the switch next week.

The rest of this week is devoted to writing and other business. I still have a newsletter to finish. In addition, I have a short story and a poem to complete for contests on

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I’m weary this morning

Fidál (Grace), 11 Kamál (Perfection), 166 BE – Tuesday, August 11, 2009 about 10:50 AM Pacific Time

My weariness isn't physical. It's been a difficult morning. My Internet connection slowing to a snails pace, actually I think snails crawl faster. The connection is faster at night and early of a morning, so that's when I'll have to work. I'll do it this way until I get DSL and the house cleaned up.

I don't need to sleep anyway, not that I can sleep once I lay down. I don't sleep well, when I go to bed. I can fall asleep at the keyboard, but when I go to bed I'm wide awake. A nap during the day gives me more rest then sleep at night.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Monday Reflections

Kamál (Perfection), 10 Kamál (Perfection), 166 BE – Monday, August 10, 2009 about 7:10 PM Pacific Time

It's Monday and the beginning of a new work week. At least, it would be if I did something besides work online. I get up in the morning, turn the computer on and make coffee. I then work at my computer writing. This morning I got up at 1:00 AM because I heard three raps on the door. I woke up, went to the door and no one was there.

This happens about once a month, either the door bell rings about three times or there are three raps on the door. I get up, go to the front door and look out, but see nothing except the front porch light shining on my front porch. I open the front door and check the screen to make sure it's locked. After that, I check the patio by looking out the sliding glass door. I also check both locks on the patio door. They are always locked.

It could be someone knocking on a neighbors door. It could be a dream, but I doubt it because it wakes me up. Noises in my dreams normally don't wake me up completely. Anyway, I got up at 1:00 AM and couldn't go back to sleep. I worked on some poems for contest. Finished the poems and submitted them. I have two more poems to finish by August 30 and a short story by August 24. In addition, I have a newsletter due on August 15. I have a lot of work to do this month so I really don't need to sleep.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

A Transformative Books and movies

What books or movies have changed your life?

The books I've read lately have to do with poetry writing. I haven't been to movie in over a year. I don't go to movies to be transformed. I go to movies for entertainment, to forget for a few minutes the stress in my life. The movies I enjoy are fantasy and science fiction.

This week I'm going to start reading the Dawn Breakers. I've attempted to read it several times but haven't gotten all the way through it. I've just got to sit down and read it; I'm going to have to ignore the interruptions, which isn't easy since I don't have a place to withdraw, relax and just read or write.

Morning on the day of Beauty

Jamál (Beauty), 9 Kamál (Perfection), 166 BE – Sunday, August 9, 2009 about 6:36 AM Pacific Time

It's morning on the day of beauty and the sun is lighting up the inside of my garage. Illuminating the doors waiting for me to have them reinstalled, if I'm going to have them put on the master bedroom and bathroom entrances. The master bedroom had one of those accordion-like doors, which was removed a few years ago.

The bathroom is divided into the vanity part and the bathroom. The vanity room has a curtain in front of it while between the vanity and the bathroom is another accordion door. The door doesn't lock, but it closes. We broke the lock on that door four or five years ago when it was inadvertently locked and we couldn't get in.

Every morning the sun comes up and shines into my garage illuminating those doors. Every morning I consider having the doors reinstalled and that's as far as it gets. I guess if I haven't had them rehung by now, I'm not going to do it. Therefore, I should move them so I can put something else in that spot. Perhaps I should investigate how much it would cost me to have them rehung, there must be a handy man in Las Vegas that can do that type of work.

Saturday, August 08, 2009

I changed my mind about bottled water again

Jalál (Glory), 8 Kamál (Perfection), 166 BE – Saturday, August 8, 2009 about 5:53 PM Pacific Time

I've changed my mind about bottled water again. We're going to buy it and keep it on hand. I thought it was too expensive; however, both Mom and I need to drink more water. Apparently, we won't drink water if we have to get it out of the faucet and then put ice in to cool it down. In addition, the bottled water is more convenient. The bottled water also seems to taste better at room temperature then the water out of the faucet.

This morning I took Mom in for a CAT scan of her abdomen and on the way home stopped at Food 4 Less and bought a 35 count case of 16.9 FL. OZ. of bottled water. I'll see how long this last us, then decided if I want to get two cases each time I buy it.

When I loaded the water into my car, I noticed it was heavy. It's the first time I've noticed the weight of the water, so I'm not sure if I have a problem or what. I didn't feel well today, which may be why I noticed the weight of the case of water. In addition, I usually buy a 24 count case of water instead of a 35 count case. When I arrived home, I did manage to get the water into the house, but it was a struggle.

Friday, August 07, 2009

Now I’m sure summer is here

I've know for sometime this would happen. It happens every summer, I don't care how careful we are about turning lights off and using as little electricity as possible. This moment always comes, I've dreaded it for a couple of months now.

Every time the power bill came, I held my breath until I opened it. The earlier bills I felt relieved when I saw them under $200.00, but I knew it wouldn't last. It never last because this is Las Vegas and it's summer. It happened today, the power bill came and I opened it.

I opened the bill, looked at it and was relieved because the expected happened. The power bill was over $300.00, not very much over that, but it was over the dreaded $300.00 mark. This bill is due September 6, so I have some time to figure out how to raise the money.

The odd thing is that I'm not upset. I'm not worried, I'm relieved that it finally happened and I don't have to hold my breath every time I open the power bill. The bill due on September 6 is the July power bill. The August bill won't come until after September 6 and it will be due October 6. I expect it to be over $300.00 as well, but I will deal with that when the time comes.

I need to go to a play

Istiqlál (Independence), 7 Kamál (Perfection), 166 BE – Friday, August 7, 2009 about 2:55 PM Pacific Time

What is your favorite musical or play? What is it about that production that you like?

I need to go to a play, specifically a musical because when I see a musical, I relax, listen and watch the action on stage. I forget about my problems. At a musical the only thing I need to do is sit there and watch. I don't have to worry about anything or think about anything except the action on the stage.

The last play I went to was Sweeny Todd, the Demon Barber of Fleet Street, which was several years ago. In fact, it was before 2007 when my mother went into the hospital. I haven't been to a musical play since and think I need to go. I need to get out more ofter. My mother needs to get out more often. We both enjoy plays; therefore, I need to find one that we can go to within the next couple of months. My favorite musical play is Sweeny Todd and I enjoyed the songs.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

We went to a Farmers’ Market this afternoon

Mom and I went to a Farmers' Market this afternoon. Today was cooler so I decided that after I took my prescription to Food 4 Less, we would drive to the Farmers' Market in Henderson. The one we went to is on Boulder Highway where the Old Roadhouse stands.

After not getting out in the afternoon because of the heat, it was a nice outing. Anyway we bought potatoes, asparagus, oranges, and avocados. Tomorrow we'll cook the potatoes, I like fried potatoes and it's been a long time since we fried potatoes. The avocados aren't completely ripe yet, so we won't eat them for a few days. That will give Mom or me a chance to figure out what we want to go with them.

I'm thinking of an avocado sandwich myself, but I may change my mind when they are ripe. There are so many ways to fix an avocado that it's sometimes difficult for me to decide how I want to eat one.

The first Thursday in August 2009

Istijlál (Majesty), 6 Kamál (Perfection), 166 BE – Thursday, August 6, 2009 about1:45 PM Pacific Time

It's the first Thursday in August 2009 and cooler today in Las Vegas. I know it's cooler because the air conditioning hasn't came on as much today. I went to the doctor's this morning, got my meds refilled and made an appointment with an eye doctor. I need new glasses and I have to have a referral from my regular doctor.

I still have to take the prescription to store; I'm going to do that this afternoon. This morning I came back home because I didn't eat breakfast before I went to the doctor. After I ate breakfast, I got busy online, so now I have to take the prescription in and have it filled.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

The first Tuesday in August 2009

Fidál (Grace), 4 Kamál (Perfection), 166 BE – Tuesday, August 4, 2009 about 6:09 AM Pacific Time

It's the first Tuesday in August 2009 and the morning sky is mostly cloudy, with a few patches of blue sky peeking through. I awake about 4:50 AM in a good mood. True my knees hurt, but my knees always hurt when I wake up in the morning. It has to do with sleeping curled up in the fetal position. My knees hurt when I stretch my legs out in the morning.

I've said my morning prayers. My mother is awake and getting ready for her day. I haven't made coffee yet, which is unusual. However, I was thirsty this morning so instead of making coffee immediately, I drink water. I rinsed my mouth out with salt water last night before I went to bed, so I think that's why I'm thirsty this morning.

The first Tuesday in August started out well. I haven't put in a load of laundry yet, but I will do that when I go into the kitchen to make coffee. I think I'll have eggs today for breakfast and perhaps toast as well. All though, the toast I'm not sure about since my gums are still sore from my false plate. I had the plate adjusted yesterday and the sore spot on my gums hasn't healed yet.

Monday, August 03, 2009

I am a friend To Earth

I am a friend to…

I am friend to Earth
I recycle everything
I can possibly recycle.

That poem could be about my Grandma Newland. Grandma was good at recycling. Grandma was an expert at recycling. She had a ragbag in which she put worn out cloths and used them as cleaning rags. Grandma threw stuff away that couldn't be used or she couldn't think of a way to reuse.

Grandma grew up on a farm. When she and Grandpa Newland were first married, they lived on a farm. Grandma learned to recycle items when she was growing up. I don't remember Grandma calling it recycling, she just called it reusing.

I recycle, but I don't think I'm as good at it as Grandma. I have a long way to go before I'll be as good at recycling as Grandma and Grandpa, but I'm working on the issue.

Another Day Another Adjustment

Kamál (Perfection), 3 Kamál (Perfection), 166 BE – Monday, August 3, 2009 about 3:06 PM Pacific Time

I went to the dentist this morning and had my lower plate adjusted again. The sore spot was on the right side this time instead of the left side. I'm going to eat with the plate in for the next few days and see how it goes. I'm also rinsing my mouth out with salt water a couple of time a day.

I know that eventually I'll get used to the dentures. I know that eventually I'll be able to eat anything I want. I haven't had the dentures very long and it takes a while to adjust to the lower plate. Everyone I've talked to say there are issues getting used to the lower plate. It's just a matter of patience and persistence.

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Once in Lifetime

List all of the things that have happened to you only once in your entire life.

I was born.

I shut myself in a refrigerator playing hide and seek (my grandfather rescued me).

I learn about my father's death on the Internet.

I moved from Blackwell, Oklahoma to Las Vegas, Nevada.

I got my Master's degree.

I stepped on a nail chasing chickens.

I declared my belief in Baha'u'llah.

I turned 60, then 61, and then 62.

NOTE: These are not in chronological order.

Summer Driving in Las Vegas

Jamál (Beauty), 2 Kamál (Perfection), 166 BE – Sunday, August 2, 2009 about 2:41 PM Pacific Time

It's summer in Las Vegas. It's hot in Las Vegas. I have to have the air conditioner in my car serviced, but other things take priority. Therefore, I drive with my windows down. I attempt to do all my business in the morning, so that I can get back to the house before noon.

Today I need to pick up a prescription for my mother, but the Walgreen's where she get her meds didn't open until 10:00 AM. We left the house about 9:30 AM, went to the AM/PM to get gas and the to pick up the prescription. After that, we went to Petsmart for cat food and then to Fresh & Easy for ice cream and soda. We arrived back home about 12:30 PM before the day's heat began to set in.

I took so long because I had to drive across town to get to Petsmart. The only stores which were close to the house was AM/PM and Fresh & Easy. The other two are on opposite ends of Charleston Ave. However, with the exception of the ice cream and soda, the other purchases were essential. I'm home and I doubt that I will go anywhere else today, it's too hot to be driving any place.

Saturday, August 01, 2009

We attended the Feast of Kamal last night

Jalál (Glory), 1 Kamál (Perfection), 166 BE – Saturday, August 1, 2009 about 1:30 PM Pacific Time

We (Mom and I) attended the Feast of Kamal last night. The feast was spiritual and we both enjoyed ourselves. I enjoyed the drive to the nineteen-day feast and back home. I'm looking forward to the next Feast as well.

I always enjoy going to the Feast, sometimes the drive is an issue, but it wasn't last night. In fact, I'm considering a poem about driving to feast. I'm just not sure how to start it, so I will pick out a poem form and use that to write "Driving to Feast". That's the working title of the poem, I may change the name after I finish writing. I'll have to check my poetry books to see what form I want to use.